
19 commandments

I was reading through swissmiss, a design blog I follow and saw she had posted about something called 19 Things NOT To Do When Designing a Web Site. Curious, I followed the link and found such a great resource I just had to share in case anyone reading my blog is a designer/designs things. Namely web sites, but anything really.

I know my true calling is to be a designer because bad design really makes me want to puke.

19 Things NOT To Do When Designing a Web Site gave me a little boost today because all the things he wrote about are things I believe as well. I feel pressured to be all "fancy" with designing (especially for the web) because there's so much "fanciness" out there. But I don't like it. I want things to be usable and good-looking, not over the top.


JD said...

first off, great pic.

Second, great link. That poster is really smart eh? I really liked the 'deliver video in an embedded flash player' suggestion.

Morgan said...

Hey thanks!
I knew you's like some of that. We're such a good team :o)