

I just came across this awesome line of jewelry by Mike and Maaike. This would be great wedding jewelry I think! It's too funny.

I've been getting a crafty itch lately since most of my time is spent working or wedding planning, neither of which is very crafty. I did make a strawberry-rhubarb pie yesterday, which helped relieve this somewhat but I still need to make something un-edible.

So speaking of jewelry, I poked around a little on ReadyMade this morning and found a couple neat little projects.

"Do you ever find that you buy pins and buttons but never get around to wearing them? Try sewing this button-filled cuff bracelet to show them off."

"If you regularly sew or craft, you probably have a huge amount of remnant fabric and scraps lying around. Instead of throwing these away, why not turn them into a necklace?"



Harry-est + One Sentence

1. I can't even imagine what madness will consume the city of Falls Church, Virginia on July 21, 2007.
The Harry-est chart.

2. "I spent $130 and 4 hours getting ready for a party that I only spent a half hour at because my insecurities got the best of me."
One sentence.