
children see

Seeing too many stupid people lately...I have been thinking this way a lot. Pretty hard to watch actually.


people and their breakfasts

An interesting photo project by John Huck. I love it. But I have to say it is too bad about the scrolling issues. I mean, having to scroll down just a teeny bit to see the whole frame. But I am enthralled by this project, I love it.


colour . like no other


I've been waiting for this for a long time, since I heard they were going to be doing another Bravia commercial after the paint one and the bouncy ball one.

Sony Bravia Play Doh commercial

babies eating lemons

via swissmiss


Double Pumpkin Muffins

*note* I made these today without the streusel topping because I like a muffin to be more like bread and less like dessert. I also used all "best for bread" whole wheat flour and applesauce instead of butter (equal substitution amount). They are fabulous!

But here is the recipe as printed in Autumn 2007 Food&Drink, a magazine put out by the LCBO:

Streusel Topping
2/3 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 c. icing sugar
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 c. butter, melted
1/4 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/4 c. green (raw) pumpkin seeds

1/2 c. green (raw) pumpkin seeds
3 c. all-purpose flour
3/4 c. granulated sugar
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp each ground nutmeg and all-spice
1 small or 1/2 large orange
1 egg
1 c. pure pumpkin puree (not pie filling!)
1 c. buttermilk
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/2 c. butter, melted
Icing sugar for garnish, optional.

1. To make streusel, stir flour with icing sugar and baking powder. Stir in melted butter and vanilla until moist crumbs form. Set aside with pumpkin seeds.

2. To make muffins, preheat oven to 375F.

3. Coat 12 standard muffin tin cups liberally with nonstick spray or butter, including top of pan for easy release of large muffins. Spread 1/2 c. pumpkin seeds on a shiny baking tray; bake for 5 to 6 minutes or until a few seeds turn colour. Cool on a rack.

4. Meanwhile, stir flour with sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and spices. Make a well. Finely grate zest from orange and squeeze 1/4 c. juice. Lightly beat egg; stir in pumpkin puree, buttermilk, juice, vanilla and zest.

5. Stir pumpkin mixture and butter into flour until mostly moistened. Then stir in toasted pumpkin seeds until well mixed; divide batter among cups, heaping slightly in centre (batter completely fills cups). Sprinkle with raw pumpkin seeds; then liberally with streusel crumbs. Press seeds and crumbs gently into muffin tops.

6. Bake in centre of preheated oven for 25 to 28 minutes or until a cake tester or skewer (or linguine!!!!) inserted into muffin centre comes out clean and tops are lightly golden. Rest on cooling rack for 5 minutes; then lift each muffin out of pan onto rack. Cool completely; to serve, lightly sieve a spoonful of icing sugar over muffin tops, if desired.

Makes 12 large muffins.

**Morgan's Tips**
Other than my substitutions (apple sauce for butter, whole wheat for white flour, and I didn't measure the OJ, I just squeezed til it was gone) I did press green pumpkin seeds into the tops of these (it makes them so pretty!). I also doubled this recipe well and it makes LARGE muffins, that's for sure. I made 24 plus one in a mini loaf pan! I filled the cups to the top and heaped more than a "slight" amount. I think my oven is quite hot so these cooked fully in under 25 minutes (more like 22) so just watch them. These taste delicious warmed with some peanut butter!!!



I just came across this awesome line of jewelry by Mike and Maaike. This would be great wedding jewelry I think! It's too funny.

I've been getting a crafty itch lately since most of my time is spent working or wedding planning, neither of which is very crafty. I did make a strawberry-rhubarb pie yesterday, which helped relieve this somewhat but I still need to make something un-edible.

So speaking of jewelry, I poked around a little on ReadyMade this morning and found a couple neat little projects.

"Do you ever find that you buy pins and buttons but never get around to wearing them? Try sewing this button-filled cuff bracelet to show them off."

"If you regularly sew or craft, you probably have a huge amount of remnant fabric and scraps lying around. Instead of throwing these away, why not turn them into a necklace?"



Harry-est + One Sentence

1. I can't even imagine what madness will consume the city of Falls Church, Virginia on July 21, 2007.
The Harry-est chart.

2. "I spent $130 and 4 hours getting ready for a party that I only spent a half hour at because my insecurities got the best of me."
One sentence.


read it and weep

Sweet Canadian graffiti.



There are a few things in life I love: good food; good friends...criticizing popular culture, especially that which demeans and objectifies women; actually listening to the words in hip hop songs; canadian music and last but not least, parodies. I'd have to say this about sums it up:


among other things

While browsing what is new at Fred Flare right now, I thought I would post the few hings that caught my eyeBALL. Just for fun, you know.

Awesome kitchy things, as always. The plate with seashell creatures belongs at a seafood party with beer and mussels and lobster and more beer. As for the earrings, I don't see a day where they wouldn't be appropriate. And the other thingies are travel toothbrush holders...something I don't have, something I'd like and in this case...aww, matching his and hers!!!


The Design Disease

I know I have The Design Disease. I'm not afraid to admit it. It explains a lot. So much collecting, documenting, obsessing. I hope I can use this as an excuse...



I promised Rob I'd post my "world famous" banana muffin recipe on here. Trust me, everyone agrees that this is the best-ever recipe for these things. I know someone who had the recipe and lost it and after 5 years of not contacting me or my mom (because we moved away) called to get it again. Once you've had it you can't go back! And don't forget the water!!

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
makes 2 dozen muffins

3 c. flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 c. butter or margarine
2 c. sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp water
2 c. mashed bananas
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 pkg chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 F. Mix together flour, salt and baking soda; set aside. Melt butter. Mix with sugar until blended. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well. Add bananas, vanilla and water. Fold in flour and chocolate chips. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes (sometimes more, just watch til they are golden).




You guessed it.

Video edited all by Lin!!


19 commandments

I was reading through swissmiss, a design blog I follow and saw she had posted about something called 19 Things NOT To Do When Designing a Web Site. Curious, I followed the link and found such a great resource I just had to share in case anyone reading my blog is a designer/designs things. Namely web sites, but anything really.

I know my true calling is to be a designer because bad design really makes me want to puke.

19 Things NOT To Do When Designing a Web Site gave me a little boost today because all the things he wrote about are things I believe as well. I feel pressured to be all "fancy" with designing (especially for the web) because there's so much "fanciness" out there. But I don't like it. I want things to be usable and good-looking, not over the top.


knitty and handmade wedding

The Spring 2007 issue of Knitty is up and the cover pattern is crazy!!! It's Space Invaders socks!!! I need to make these. I have never made socks and I've never made anything that has a pattern but I think now is the time to start and this will be difficult but satisfying.

In other blog news, I am so excited for the next couple weeks on the design*sponge guest blog because

"rebecca from moontree is loading up her posts for next weeks new guest blog: the handmade wedding! for two weeks rebecca will transform the guest blog into a fantastic resource for all things "handmade" and "wedding". She'll be interviewing artisans, people who've done their weddings in a handmade style and sharing the best resources (and tips) for creating your own handmade special day...and lots of photos from fabulous handmade weddings."

This is especially exciting because since I got my perfect wedding dress and fabulous wedding band and went to Kentville this weekend and talked endlessly about our wedding, I am wedding-obsessed and wanting to get a move on with decorating/invitations/etc.


do they speak english in WHAT?

So great and I'm seeing it everywhere. I just had to share!!


the tart that lived

Although my preferences generally lie with morning pies, today I made an afternoon tart! I've been feeling very Amelie lately, as well as being inspired by a slew of cooking blogs I've discovered.

This recipe comes from my 2005 holiday issue of Vegetarian Times. It's a cranberry-pear tart *mmmm* with a sugar cookie crust and lattice! Think of the possiblities...I can't wait to try this out with different berry combinations! And although I don't think I can print the recipe here, the crust really is just a sugar cookie recipe!



"I'm Woody! Howdyhowdyhowdy" I can't believe I found my favourite Toy Story scene on YouTube. Well, maybe I can believe it...

Well if you've been watching, there are two more linmore videos up...the wildly anticipated Q&A pt 2 and a nice wintery video response. You should watch them. Now.

That's all for the YouTube update. I'm going to post later on today about something else. That's right - stay tuned!



You've got questions, we've got answers. Please comment with more questions!!



WOW. Slow-motion video gallery. I found this through Swissmiss,a blog I follow.

Especially check out the horses, water balloon and dog drinking water!! Ooh, and the EGG!



I swear I will start posting more meaningful things.  Wait, I'd like to rephrase that.  Or get rid of it even.  Because what is meaningful to me is different from what is meaningful to others.

I post to this blog when I feel inspired to.  Art insires me.   Design, cooking, jewelry inspire me.  Photos and music and cascading style sheets inspire me.  Eras inspire me.  Discussion, expression, conversation and productivity inspire me.

My main bookmarks folders are blogs, knitting, hair, harry potter, ads, DIY, shopping, Halloween, wedding, Photoshop, design, recipes and candy.

I have the freedom to watch, listen to, look at, wish for, dream of, comment on, flip through and be overwhelmed by whatever I like.  And push it out there through this pipeline of blogginess as much or as little as I want.  Right now valentine's day marketing is inspiring me.  PS every image is clickable - in case someone wants to buy me these things...or make them.  HA!



I know I'm a little late here but I still have to post a little congratulations (coz Ani definitely reads my blog...HA!). Posted to RBR on 01.22.07:

We’re happy to report that Ani gave birth to a 7 pound, 8 ounce little girl, Petah Lucia, at her Buffalo home early Saturday morning, January 20. Mother and baby are both healthy and happy. Welcome to the world, Petah!"

none sing | neon sign

"The true artist helps the world by revealing mystic truths"
- Bruce Nauman

A good article


new vids

Time on your hands?

A little past seasonal...watch linmore's most recent installment:
Yule Tube!!

And some terrific tunage from Nouvelle Vague (I also love the video):
Dance With Me