

Thanks, YouTube. Without you I would not be able to waste as much time, see as many strange things OR discover bands that dance on treadmills (in tight pink pants and heels even)!! The music's not too shabby either. I'm going to check these guys out!

•more OK Go videos
•OK Go page (wicked design, guys)


JD said...

I saw this too and I thought of you immediately!! I knew you would love this!

I love when they walk in rhythmic steps with their left foot on one tread, then their right on the next tread...

and the part where they jump so that they spin in a circle with each foot on a different tread mill simultaneously....

It's hard to explain this stuff eh?

Morgan said...

Yeah you can just say :woah. cool: about all of it. Who do you think let them use all those treadmills?