
.make pineapples not war.

I keep trying to start this blog, but somewhat unsuccessfully. But today I both felt like blogging AND had something fun and interesting to share.

Pretending to be in Hawaii has never been so easy! Even if you do not live in a tropical climate you can grow your own pineapple! That's right! These instructions come from You Grow Girl, a site that I can't wait to explore, seeing as I recently discovered an interest in green thumbs. I don't have any yet...but if I grow a pineapple, does that qualify? I'm sc00ting to the grocery store ASAP!


JD said...

This is GREAT Morg!
Not just the growing pineapple plant thing, but THIS BLOG too!

I can't WAIT to see all the cool stuff that comes up here!

JD said...

Oooooh, I love your pastie!

Morgan said...

Thanks! Hopefully it will attract positive attention...

But really, when have you known sushi NOT to attract positive attention?? ;o)

JD said...

Would you like to have a link on my blog?