Here in Riverview, we still can't see out the end of the driveway for the height of the snowbanks. Today it's about 0 degrees (probably -3 or something with the wind chill) and it's almost April. Last winter we had barely any snow and really only needed heavy coats for about a month. So of course, everyone was in deep conversation about global warming.
Now, nobody has anything to say about it! Right now in New Brunswick, we are discussing rising costs in heating, gas and bread flour. We're hearing reports from Quebec about roofs collapsing under the weight of the snow. We're slipping on the icy sidewalks and buying "grip" things to attach to our shoes. We're worried about pedestrians who have no sidewalks to use and who might walk past the ends of our driveways while we are trying to back out around the snowbanks.
Should we not be looking at this all and saying "let's re-evaluate this global warming thing"?? Are freezing temperatures the year after unseasonably warm temperatures normal when global warming is a problem? Maybe we are all just trying too hard to understand something bigger than us: Nature. The human race thinks it is too smart to not know what's going on with Nature.
But back to the dog training thing, shouldn't we look at this year's temperatures and weather patterns with as much of a critical eye as we did last year's? It's so easy to talk about something when we think it is wrong, but what about when it's not wrong? Although, honestly I (and everyone else I talk to besides Joel) have HAD IT with winter. Be gone! Bring me some sun and sand! Bring my driveway's a skating rink right now! "All" I ask is a few days of above-zero weather.