

I just came across this awesome line of jewelry by Mike and Maaike. This would be great wedding jewelry I think! It's too funny.

I've been getting a crafty itch lately since most of my time is spent working or wedding planning, neither of which is very crafty. I did make a strawberry-rhubarb pie yesterday, which helped relieve this somewhat but I still need to make something un-edible.

So speaking of jewelry, I poked around a little on ReadyMade this morning and found a couple neat little projects.

"Do you ever find that you buy pins and buttons but never get around to wearing them? Try sewing this button-filled cuff bracelet to show them off."

"If you regularly sew or craft, you probably have a huge amount of remnant fabric and scraps lying around. Instead of throwing these away, why not turn them into a necklace?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those pixel things are cool! They remind me a bit of the "8-bit Tie" from ThinkGeek (initially posted as an April fools joke, but demand was so strong they're going to try to make them).

Joel can wear that one to go with your pixel-brooch. :)